Windows – Batch File to Automatically Install List of Drivers without User Interaction


At work, one of the tasks I am responsible for is resetting computers to their factory settings and installing the updated drivers. Lenovo makes this easy with their System Update tool, but Dell and other companies require you to install drivers manually.

Because I am doing this process on so many machines, I am trying to find a way to automate the process so all I have to do is stick a USB in the machine, start a batch file, and let it go. Basically, I need a batch file that installs a bunch of drivers in a folder (that I download individually and put together first) without me needing to press "Ok" and "Next" for every single driver. I've tried a few things, but the /s or -s doesn't seem to be working. Does anybody have a workaround or know how to do this?

Here is the code that I have tried already:

pushd %~dp0
start /wait setup32.exe -s
echo press key when install finished!

Also tried:

@echo off
start /wait "" adobereader.exe /s /passive /quiet EULA_ACCEPT=YES

Nothing seems to work so far. For both of them, the driver installation starts, but it still requires user interactivity to continue the installation by pressing "Ok" and "Next".

Thank you for all of your help!

Best Answer

Richard as has been mentioned already you need an imaging solution. The free ones are WDS/MDT from Microsoft. However, it's up to you to research how they work to make your life easier as well as making yourself marketable for future positions. Now if you can't do those or your company doesn't want to then you could script this with pnputil command. It's made specially for drivers but you need to make sure you extract the drivers from the setup file. Dell offers *.cab files for their workstation series like precision. Search "dell cab drivers" and you can get a list of the computers they have drivers for.