Windows – Best way to fully update a new installed Windows


I am wondering, what is the best way to automatically update a new installation of Windows (Windows 7)?

When I manually update a new install of Windows 7 SP1, I get about 45 updates. Installing those is not the problem, but after installing those, up come new updates. One installs them and then again: new updates and so on. All together it takes a long time – and you have to come back every few minutes to check for new updates and install them.

So, how is that done in business / how to automate this? Is WSUS a good way for this or does it only cache updates locally?

Using WSUS, is it possible to force immediate install of updates, reboot and install more updates automatically?

WSUS wouldn't help me, if updates are only installed when the system is shutdown, because then it again would require user interaction (shutting down the system, wait for reboot, shutdown again…).

Thanks for any hint!

Best Answer

Perform instructions below at your own risk: To automate windows update these instructions may or may not work for your system however it appears to work to an extent for Windows 7 as these instructions were tested on Windows 7.

MUST READ: 1. If the step below does not work verify then you are most likely part of a domain and your security policy may not allow you to perform steps below! 2. UAC prompts were also disabled for the duration of the windows updates so the batch files can run without interruption; be careful to restore this to default when done

Caution this step will make your computer less secure, immediately remove this after your computer is completely up to date. Set a reminder for 24 hours later if need be:

1. First you will have to make sure your computer automatically logs into a user. You can do this by clicking start menu, type "netplwiz", press enter or open the wizard, under the users tab, select your username, and un-check "require password", type your password, close this window.

2. Create 3 batch files to start the automated process. (Open notepad paste each code into a separate notepad and perform a save as corresponding_file_name.bat)

One. Save as: any_name.bat then copy this batch file to your startup folder for the user you made auto login. (Click start > All Programs > Startup)

start "" c:\autoupdate1.bat

Two. Save as: autoupdate1.bat then copy this to C:\ drive

wuauclt /detectnow
wuauclt /updatenow
reg query "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\RebootRequired" > nul && shutdown -r -t 0
start "" c:\autoupdate2.bat

Three. Save as: autoupdate2.bat then copy this to C:\ drive

ping -n 61 > nul
start "" c:\autoupdate1.bat

Restart or open the batch file in the startup folder and watch the magic begin!

3. When it is completely done updating just delete the batch files from the startup folder & c:\ drive

Once again follow these instructions at your own risk as it can create an endless loop if you do not know how to stop this process by removing it from the startup folder or going into windows under safe-mode to remove the batch files

Final notes: If you run into issues running the batch files chances are you may have to look up how to disable UAC prompts for your Windows version

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