Windows boot iso file without press any key


I'm trying to make an iso file which will boot without any key-press from the user.
In Windows iso files, when booting from a cd, there is a message "press any key to boot from cd" which will wait for 5-10 seconds and then, if there is no key-press, it will boot from HD.

I searched the web for how to remove this message, and do not press any key and all the answers were "delete bootfix.bin" from the iso.

I edited the iso (I've tried several iso files) to remove the bootfix.bin, but now the iso is not correct.

Do you have any suggestions?

Best Answer

It depends on the BIOS. If it is a traditional PC BIOS then the ISO uses the El Torito boot code ( In this case deleting \boot\bootfix.bin will work.

If it is an EFI BIOS then the ISO should use EFI boot code (efisys.bin). There is also a efisys_noprompt.bin boot code file that can be used when creating the ISO for EFI systems. Use that file instead if you want to eliminate the prompt.