Windows – Can’t connect to sql server 2008 named instance

networkingsql serversql-server-2008windows

I have sql server 2005 and 2008 running on a server on my local (and very straightforward) network. Using sql management studio 2008 and visual studio 2008, I can connect over the network to the 2005 instance which is the default instance. I can't connect to the 08 instance (named MC08). I can connect to both when logged in to the server. Remote connections have been enabled for MC08 and dynamic ports is turned off (assigned to port 1045). The sql browser service is running as well. This used to work so I'm not sure what has changed. I can't connect using the IP address either. Nothing unusual in the event log either. Any ideas?

Best Answer

Have you tried your.sql.server.fqdn\MC08.

The port specification in SSMS is totally braindead though. For whatever reason they decided to use comma(,) as host and port delimeter instead of colon(:). So if you want to use a port number use this connection string: your.sql.server.fqdn,1045.