Windows – Can’t establish PPTP VPN windows 8/8.1


I am having an issue where I keep getting either error 800 or 807 whist trying to connect to a VPN server via PPTP on Windows 8 and 8.1 pro.

The server itself is Synology's VPN Server running on a DS713+.

This seems like it must be issue with the Windows OSs as I can successfully connect to the VPN server using various flavours of Linux (Ubuntu, #!, etc) and using the same networks. I can also establish a PPTP connection from various IOS versions on both iPhone and iPad.

Thus I know that the routers and VPN server are correctly configured (port 1723 forwarded and GRE protocol 47 pass-through).

However on Windows if I create a VPN connection and leave the default settings I receive error 800. If I configure the connection and specify PPTP using CHAP / MS-CHAPv2 I get error 807.

Has anyone else experienced a similar issue establishing a PPTP VPN via windows 8 / 8.1? I have read no end of posts and blogs on the subject but most seem to say it is either an ISP or router issue blocking GRE – but as I say I know this isn't the case here.

My setup is as follows.

[client] -> [router A] -> {internet} -> [router B] -> [switch] -> [server]

To reiterate if [client] is running Linux or IOS this works perfectly, if it is Windows 8/8.1 I get error 800 or 807.

Notes and things I have tried:

  1. [client] can ping [server] both via fixed WAN IP and hostname.

  2. [router B] is passing the 1723 and GRE traffic to [server].

  3. On [client] I have tried disabling IPv6 on both the WAN miniport and NIC.

  4. On [client] I have tried unchecking "Use default gateway on remote network" under "Advanced TCP/IP settings" on the WAN miniport

  5. On [client] I have enabled both the Windows Firewall predefined rules "Routing and Remote Access (PPTP-Out)" and "Routing and Remote Access (GRE-Out)" and have even tried temporarily disabling the firewall completely.

  6. On [server] I have tried lowering the MTU from 1400 to 1000 in steps of 50.

Here are anonomised typical RasClient logs for [client]


CoId={0F967D72-7267-42AA-A0B3-D3977894410C}: The user computer\user has started dialing a VPN connection using a per-user connection profile named VPN. The connection settings are: 
Dial-in User = user
VpnStrategy = PPTP
DataEncryption = Requested
PrerequisiteEntry = 
AutoLogon = No
UseRasCredentials = Yes
Authentication Type = MS-CHAPv2 
Ipv4DefaultGateway = No
Ipv4AddressAssignment = By Server
Ipv4DNSServerAssignment = By Server
Ipv6DefaultGateway = Yes
Ipv6AddressAssignment = By Server
Ipv6DNSServerAssignment = By Server
IpDnsFlags = 
IpNBTEnabled = Yes
UseFlags = Private Connection
ConnectOnWinlogon = No.


CoId={0F967D72-7267-42AA-A0B3-D3977894410C}: The user computer\user is trying to establish a link to the Remote Access Server for the connection named VPN using the following device: 
Server address/Phone Number = 81.133.*.*
Device = WAN Miniport (PPTP)
Port = VPN7-1
MediaType = VPN.


CoId={0F967D72-7267-42AA-A0B3-D3977894410C}: The user computer\user dialed a connection named VPN which has failed. The error code returned on failure is 807.

Best Answer

I had the same problem. I could connect from iPhone, even from one Win 8.1 Pro desktop machine but not from two laptops running Win 8.1 all connected to the same network. Disabled firewall but no luck.

I accessed the VPN server via its numeric IP address (IPv4). That seemed to be the problem. After I added the VPN server IP to my hosts file and gave it a name I could connect instantly using that name.