Windows – Can’t get the SSTP VPN to works due to a certificate issue


I am trying to create a SSTP VPN on my Windows Server 2008 R2, I installed the Network Policies and Access Service, and the AD Certificate Autority service,

I create my root certificate and generated a Server authentication certificate (named with the FQDN of the server), validated it and installed it on the server, I also have installed the CA authority certificate on the client that I need to connect, but when I try to connect, I get this error

Could not build a certificate chain for CA certificate 0 for A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider. 0x800b0109 (-2146762487).

( is the (altered) hostname), the certificate is deployed on both the server and the client..
I've searched for hours… and nothing 🙁

Any idea please ?

Thank you

Best Answer

It sounds like you've installed the certificate in the wrong store, you should try manually putting it in Trusted Root Certificate Authorities on the client machine.

Take these steps on the client machine: MMC > Add 'Certificates' snap-in for local computer > Trusted Root Certificate Authorities > Import the certificate here.