Windows – Can’t Remote Desktop


I have been able to remote desktop into my Windows Server 2008 R2 machine no problem. But then I installed a bunch of updates (including SP1) and now I can't RDP.

Some background info:

RDP is enabled (and Everyone is set to have connect permissions)

I have disabled the firewall with no luck.

I can ping the server no problem and can connect through all other normal means.

What could be causing this?

Edit: The port TCP 3389 is NOT LISTENING. Why would it be NOT LISTENING if the firewall is disabled??

Best Answer

I've been in a struggle with this same problem exactly today: a Windows Server 2008 R2 server was handling RDP fine, until someone installed SP1; then, all of a sudden, the Remote Desktop service started crashing on startup and/or on user connection. Looks like the problem was somewhat related to applying SP1 after the system had been up and running for a while... probably some pre-SP1 update is not compatible with SP1 itself.

Some suggestions:

  • Check that the "Remote Desktop" service is started. If it's not, start it.
  • Check that the "Software Protection" service is started, too. If it's not, start it.
  • Check the event log for an application crash related to the Remote Desktop service. If you find it, look at the version number of the referenced DLL(s). Chances are, it's 6.1.7600.X (RTM), instead of 6.1.7601.X (SP1). If this is the case, try replacing those files with the same ones from a working SP1-ed server.
  • If all else fails, uninstall SP1 and then re-install it; but this time, use the full installation package, do not apply SP1 through Windows Update.