Windows – Certificate stops working after computer reboot


Got a strange issue that I just can't find any clues. We have a program (Qlikview) which talks to a remote admin service via SSL (Qlikview Server) but it uses the certificate to validate the client.

The issue is happening on any client computer (replicate on different machines). The process happens/replicates the issue:

  1. Install .pfx certificate with private key on local computer > personal. (using MMC console).

  2. Application launches (works perfectly) and can use certificate.

  3. Reboot PC, application fails with an error message: Could not establish secure channel for SSL/TLS with authority (due to the certificate error)

  4. Reinstall certificate and application works again.

  5. Reboot PC and the application fails to work again. (repeat process).

In an effort to see if we could replicate further, I exported and then re-imported the failed certificate and the application worked again. We can replicate it with other applications which use the same method of authentication. The certificate at either stage (viewing in the MMC) appears as valid and correct at each step.

I am really at a loss. Any advice is appreciated.

Best Answer

  1. Right-click the certificate in MMC console ->All Tasks-> Manage Private Keys.
  2. Add the needed users to access Now, Reboot the system and try it will work.

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