Windows – Check ‘effective permissions’, ‘effective access’ from command-line, Windows/NTFS


How do I mimic Advanced Security Settings 'Effective Access' tab in command line (Win10 notably)? Prefer built-in tools, I'm about to evaluate if sysinternals AccessChk can accomplish this

icacls only shows domain groups given permission to this folder, so how can I check an individual user? A logical answer might be use net user gregg /domain to validate if the user-in-question is part of the domain group given permission to that folder. Would those two steps give all the info 'Effective Access' would give?

Background info:

  • I'm a sysadmin with two domain accounts (one normal/limited, one domain admin). So when someone says they can't access a file I have to remote into server to get admin access to use 'effective access' which is kind of inconvenient. Can I somehow do that with RSAT tools?
  • Our network drive folders each have unique permissions that used domain user groups. Management staff sometimes move files from a secure location to a less-secure (everyone has access) folder, but the secure permissions follow it causing trouble for other staff. Permissions are handled differently when you copy vs move/cut (see kb310316 or this blog post), but good luck explaining that to an end user since I've just slowly grasped the concept

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Best Answer

My preferred method for doing this is to use a non-native PowerShell Module NTFSSecurity available in the PowerShell Gallery.

You can install the module from most modern Windows Powershell windows by running

Install-Module -Name NTFSSecurity -RequiredVersion 4.2.3

In order to retrieve the Effective Access, you would run the following command:

Get-NTFSEffectiveAccess -Path \\path\to\UNC\file -Account <samaccountname>

It will work on local paths as well; the output takes the following format:

 Path: \\path\to\UNC\file (Inheritance disabled)

Account      Access Rights     Applies to      Type     IsInherited     InheritedFrom
-------      -------------     ----------      ----     -----------     -------------
DOMAIN\user  FullControl       ThisFolderOnly  Allow    False