Windows – Checking Nameserver setup from command line


Is there a way to check if my domain is setup correctly on the nameservers? Ideally I'd like to run a command from command line, alternatively can use a third party tool.

for example, I'm trying to register a domain that's to be hosted on I have set up the domain and can see it in my DNS list. The servers that are supposed to be setup are and, however my registration is bouncing saying that there are "No Nameservers found for {my new domain}".

Best Answer

To attempt a transfer of the zone from a 3rd party provider (great way to see a nameserver is configured to answer for the zone, but will only work if they don't have an ACL on transfers):

dig AXFR <zone> [@nameserver]


dig ZXFR my-new-domain.tld

If you are hosting the zone yourself and are using BIND you can use named-checkzone to check the validity of your zone and named-checkconf to check the validity of your overall config.

I am unfamiliar with any domain registrars who will bounce your registration for not having the zone already configured on the destination nameserver; they can, however, bounce your registration if you don't provide nameservers, or if the nameservers you provide haven't been properly defined.