Windows Client not getting updated from WSUS Server


Please see PrintScreen1.png

As per Above Print-screen Computer qnit086v2 has 96% installed updates.


enter image description here

As per Above Print-screen '242 updates has not been installed'. If i click on '242 Updates' I get the below Print-screen and so on.

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

How to install all the uninstalled update. I tried various command such as wuauclt /detecnow. Is there any method to pull the update manually from WSUS Server.
Download should happen directly from WSUS Server.

enter image description here

Best Answer

I realize this is an older question, but still might benefit others.

WSUS only tells you what the "Windows Update Agent" tells it. So usually, to troubleshoot update problems on clients, you need to troubleshoot them on the client

Usually, what you do is (on the client!):

  • Stop Windows Update Agent net stop wuauserv
  • Delete the C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution folder
  • Start Windows Update Agent (see above.. you'll figure it out)
  • Start a scan wuauclt /detectnow
  • If you still don't get the update on the client, look through C:\Windows\system32\WindowsUpdate.log

Also, if your computer were Imaged, and you forgot to clean out the WSUS ID on the Client before creating the image, make sure you delete these values from the key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate


Do this before doing the "Reset" above then.