Windows – Configuration Manager not working: “The selected cycle will run and might take several minutes to finish”


In Windows Server 2012 R2, when going into the following configuration and clicking the "Run Now" button for any actions, I get an informational message dialog that says "The selected cycle will run and might take several minutes to finish." with a dialog title of "Software Updates Scan Cycle". Even though it says to wait, the server does nothing for hours. How can I run these so something happens? All I want to do is check for Windows Updates because the machine says it hasn't been updated in two years.

Control Panel > Configuration Manager > Actions (tabbed panel) > Actions (section)

enter image description here


Here's what they do. But it doesn't help with the issue.

What do each of the actions in the SCCM Client actually do?

Best Answer

In Control Panel > Windows Updates, the "Most recent check for updates" said "Today at 6:01", but the "Updates were installed" said "4/24/2015 at 4:14". So the system hasn't been updated in awhile. I found a hyperlink in this screen to "Check online ..." for updates. This ran through one cycle, and said it failed. I did it again, and it finally downloaded and installed updates. Now it says "Updates were installed" of "Today at 7:03". So that seems good now.

Now after a reboot, when I go into, and select an Action and choose "Run Now", I get an error saying

The selected option cannot run

So since this is a different error, I will leave that as the answer for now.

Control Panel > Configuration Manager > Actions (tabbed panel) > Actions (section)