Windows – cygwin permissions for executing .bat files


I have a .bat file, which contains the following contents

jar cfm myjar.jar manifest.txt *.class

Which executes well under windows command prompt, but when executed under cygwin, I get the following
C:\cygwin\home\user\path\to\folder>jar cfm myjar.jar manifest.txt *.class
Access is denied.

I tried starting cygwin as administrator, but it does not help

Would appreciate any suggestions


Best Answer

ok, do a ls -la on the dir youre trying to write the jar into, as well as the class files and manifest. see what cygwin thinks the premissions are for everything in question.

you may have to open up the perms from the windows side to 'Everybody' using cacls.

also make sure that cygwins path to jar is the same as windows.