Windows – Disabling Password Complexity for OU and C# App creating AD accounts


I created a C# app that is creating a series of AD accounts from a database. The issue i am running into is the passwords i am gathering had no complexity requirements so when i am passing them into our domain i get an error saying "The server is unwilling to process the request". I traced my code and its breaking on the password because it is not complex enough for our domain. I then created a GPO for the specific OU that i am creating these accounts in to disable password complexity and for security i added in my user and the computer that i am running my C# app from.

I am still running into this error where it will change the password on the account i created. Am i missing something or is there a better way to get around this?

I have included the code i am using in my C# app to create and change the password. The code is correct because it works on accounts that do have a complex enough password. The DC is Server 2012, but i don't think that matters.

                //Creates User
            string cnUser = acctNumber + "_" + userName;
            DirectoryEntry newUser = dirEntry.Children.Add("CN=" + cnUser, "user");
            newUser.Properties["samAccountName"].Value = cnUser;
            newUser.Properties["userPrincipalName"].Value = cnUser;
            newUser.Properties["pwdLastSet"].Value = 0;

            //Changes Password
            String passwrd = userPassword.ToString();
            newUser.Invoke("SetPassword", new object[] { passwrd });

            //Sets User Account to Change Passowrd on new login
            newUser.Properties["pwdLastSet"].Value = 0;

Best Answer

You may only define one password policy via GPO for the entire domain.

You may then set fine-grained password policies, however be aware that you do not apply fine grained password policies to OUs as you do with GPOs. Rather, you apply them to users and groups.