Windows DNS Debug Logging Performance Impact


Similar to this question, Logging DNS requests on a windows DNS resolver, I am curious how much of a performance hit/impact enabling DNS Debug Logging will have on a server. Per the Microsoft links,, they all state that there will be an impact but not how much of an impact.

I realize that the amount of items that you turn on for logging and how busy your DNS server will be are important factors; however, I was curious what an average impact is that one can expect by turning on the logging.

Best Answer

No noticeable impact for my network - Server 2003 R2 virtual machine with ~3000 clients hitting it logging both Send and Receive. It rolls over when it hits the specified size, I keep the files at 500 meg.

I measured query latency before and after and did not see any change. It does hit your disk a bit but it's sequential and easy to cache data.

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