Windows – Docker for Windows to host IIS Server – what is the path


Looking for the path to package an app in IIS in a docker container.

The docs/examples we have seen so far show how to package a windows application (and by extension, windows service) in a docker container:

From that, we can see how to package an apache server along with our app in a docker container.

But what we do not see are docs / vision to embed IIS instance (with our app installed in it) in a docker container.

Where to find such docs/examples?

(We have an app on IIS 8.5 / .NET 4.51)

Best Answer

It looks like this is what you are after:

Sample to create a Windows Server Container Image with IIS 10.0 enabled

These samples were created for Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 3 with Containers. They assume that the WindowsServerCore Container base image is present.