Windows – DPM2010 / Windows 2012 – DCOM errors communicating with all agents


I just installed DPM 2010 on a Windows 2012 machine. Everything appears fine but then I try attaching an agent and the server can never communicate with any agent.

I tried installing/uninstalling agents from the server and it times out. I tried manually installing the agent on the client machine and the server still can't communicate with it. I tried installing agents on machines with Windows 2003R2/2008R2/2012R2 and all have same results.

Here are the errors I'm getting on the server:

DCOM got error "2147942405" from the computer when
attempting to activate the server:

I never had this issue in the past, but I always had DPM2010 installed on Windows 2008 R2. Could this be a DCOM security feature with Windows 2012?

Best Answer

I had the exact same error message with DPM 2016. The cause - I had removed NT Authority\Authenticated Users from the local Users group on the protected server.

I added the DOMAIN\DpmServerName account as a member for the local Users group and the error went away.

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