Windows – Eliminating the Page File


I've seen discussions go back and forth on this on several sites, so maybe we can come up with something definitive here.

I have 8 GB memory on my Vista x64 workstation. Do I need a page file (that is, System Properties > Advanced > Performance Settings > Advanced Virtual Memory) and is it beneficial to have one or not have one? What is the impact on stability?


Best Answer

The pagefile is used for a few other things that may be handy. For example, it is used for crash dumps if Windows crashes. So troubleshooting errors may become a lot harder. Also, some applications depend on the existence of a pagefile.

The real question is why wouldn't you have a pagefile? Can't you afford the few GB of disk space it takes up? As long as you let Windows manage the pagefile size, performance will be the same. It simply won't use the pagefile during general use.