Windows – Evaluating expressions in windows batch script


This one could turn out as the dumbest question ever, as I am probably missing out the obvious. Anyway, here it is: Can you evaluate expressions in a batch script. For example, I want to add two numbers and print the result:

echo 4+2

This will just print "4+2", not "6". Maybe I am taking batch scripting on windows a little bit too far…


Best Answer

This way:

Set /a 4+2

Or to store it in a variable for later:

Set /a foo = 4+2
echo %foo%

And to answer your last line, there is a good chance that you may be pushing batch a little further than intended. The Windows Script host is available on your machine and would allow VBScript or JScript. Also if you are going to learn something new anyway I would highly suggest using Powershell instead.