Windows event log export – how to get general description


I am exporting windows Application event logs to XML from one of my servers for offline analysis. I am able to do this…but when I do, I lose the "General" description information. Here is an example event. In the windows event log viewer, it displays the following as a general description:

Application 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Mountain Duck\Mountain Duck.exe'
(pid 2940) cannot be restarted – Application SID does not match
Conductor SID..

However when I export to XML, this is all I get:

<Event xmlns=''>
        <Provider Name='Microsoft-Windows-RestartManager' Guid='{0888E5EF-9B98-4695-979D-E92CE4247224}'/>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime='2016-04-07T20:00:10.245609600Z'/>
        <Execution ProcessID='3868' ThreadID='4016'/>
        <Security UserID='S-1-5-21-3589301003-3870519012-1491501718-500'/>
        <RmUnsupportedRestartEvent xmlns=''>
        <FullPath>C:\Program Files (x86)\Mountain Duck\Mountain Duck.exe</FullPath>
        <DisplayName>Mountain Duck</DisplayName>

Is there any way to include the descriptive text when saving event logs? I've tried every search I can think of, and can't seem to find anything.

Best Answer


Get-EventLog -LogName System -Newest 100 | select * | Export-Clixml log.xml