Windows file / folder Auditing not working if member of AD domain


I need to implement file / folder auditing for Windows 7-10 workstations so that all access by members of Domain Admins (read, write/modify, create, delete) is logged.

I have enabled "Audit object access" in the group policy and it is in effect (rsop.msc):


I then set the auditing properties for a test folder:

Right-click folder > Properties > Security > Advanced > Auditing tab > click Continue > Add > Domain Admins > Check all for Successful and Failed:

Folder auditing settings

I see a few entries in the Security event log for the setting of the audit properties above (e.g. "Auditing settings on object were changed."), but when I modify or delete a file in that folder, no events are generated in the security log. I also tried to use "Everyone" instead of "Domain Admins" in the auditing settings, but that did not make a difference.

The above test is on Windows 7 Pro x64 SP1 w/ all updates.

What am I missing? How can I get the auditing to work as desired?

— Update 1 —

I just tested with a Windows 7 and a Windows 10 machine that are not a member of the AD domain and it worked like a charm!

It is almost as if the "Audit object access" is not in effect (even though it shows as "Success, Failure" in both rsop.msc and "gpresult /z").

Is there something else that I need to do in the GPO or what could be causing this not to take effect?

Best Answer

I finally found what was going on in this article:

as soon as you start applying Advanced Audit Configuration Policy, legacy policies will be completely ignored.

I am using advanced audit configuration in the GPO, which rendered the legacy "Audit object access" ignored.

I switched to using the advanced audit configuration for the object access auditing instead and it works fine now.

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