Windows Firewall rule based on domain name instead of IP


I'm trying to allow a service to a set of machines via Windows Firewall. I'd like to add my home machine to the firewall but my home machine has a dynamic ip address. I use dyndns so that I have a hostname which I can always connect to. So I'm trying to see if there is a way I can use my hostname instead of an IP.



Let me add a little more information, perhaps there are other ways to resolve my issue. The server is a web server hosted by RackSpace. I only want to allow RDP access from my work (static IP, so no problem) and home (dynamic). My home IP doesn't change too often, just often enough to annoy me. So maybe there is a better way to do this… maybe VPN?

Best Answer

Here are a few options:

  • Instead of using a single IP address, use your entire dynamic port range assigend to you by your ISP. That'll limit your exposure to machines in your vicinity.
  • Use an SSL tunnel to connect to the machine and limit RDP connections to the local host. That'll be much safer but it will also make it a bit more complex to connect since you'll need to establish the tunnel first. You can also mandate client certificates for connections which will make it very secure without requiring you to limit the accept IP range for incoming connections. stunnel can do this kind of things for you. Or ncat.
  • In last resort, try creating a VPN to your machine using IPSec. It's complex to setup and not too easy to pass through firewalls, though.
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