Windows – FQDN ip address disappears on Windows Server 2012 so DC doesn’t work


We have a server that works as DNS, Domain Controller and Active Directory server. (Windows Server 2012)

The problem is that computers joined to the domain lose connection so they can’t login or they can't find the active directory.

We found that the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) IP's address disappears eventually (taking a value of <Unknown>).

Please see the image:

Configuration window on DNS manager

Also, we found that problem is solved (just temporary) changing the FQDN IP address by the server machine ip address, and flushing the DNS on all the computers joined to domain (ipconfig /flushdns). But this solution work for just a few minutes because the FQDN ip address get lost agains. (Could this be a good solution?)

What may be problem of this situation? And,

What may be the solution?


**Server IP Address**
DNS Server

dcdiag /q output

 An error event occurred.  EventID: 0xC004000B
    Time Generated: 12/02/2015   10:09:20
    Event String:
    The driver detected a controller error on \Device\Harddisk2\DR5.
 An error event occurred.  EventID: 0xC004000B
    Time Generated: 12/02/2015   10:09:21
    Event String:
    The driver detected a controller error on \Device\Harddisk2\DR5.
 ......................... SERVER failed test SystemLog

nslookup -type=NS output

DNS request timed out.
    timeout was 2 seconds.
Server: Unknown
Address: ::1    nameserver - internet address =

Best Answer

Does the zone also have an A record for itself? it should look like:

(same as parent) Host (A) XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX static

...and you must create it when the zone is created. This can happen if this A record isn't there. Note (XXX.XXX....) = IP address of local machine. -larryc

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