Windows – FTP Directory Permission Issue: does granting access to a directory also grant access to other parallel directory


I have a FTP directory permission issue. Under the root directory of my FT directory I have 2 sub directory:

  1. DirectoryA
  2. DirectoryB

I have granted one machine with the read/write permission to DirectoryB. Does this mean that it will also have the same access to DirectoryA? If yes, is there anyway to solve this problem? I don't want to setup one FTP account for one machine.

Edit: I am running on Windows ( XP and above) machine. Does OS make a difference here?

Best Answer

If you have given permission to user for a particular folder, he will not be able to access other FTP directories. He will get alert message 505 "Access Denied".

But make sure you have applied permission to that user and have removed other users from access control list of the folder.