Windows – FTP site cannot be started


  • I have encountered a weird error while setting up the FTP for my Windows Server 2008 R2.

  • After finishing the setting up of the FTP, I tried starting it, as it was OFF by default whereas I think it should be started by default.

After setting up FTP

  • On trying to start this FTP, I encountered an error saying "FTP cannot be started. Another FTP site may be using the same port".

On trying to start the FTP

  • As there is not another FTP site other than this one, I can't figure it out.

  • I tried netstat -a, and found out that the port number 21 is already listening, but I don't see any FTP site running on my IIS console.

enter image description here

  • Can anyone please help me out as to how to resolve this problem or at least let me know how to stop the service which is listening at port 21 so it stops listening. Then I can set this current FTP site to listen on port 21.

Best Answer

You can use the netstat -anbcommand to see which process is listening on port 21.

Be sure to run that from an elevated command-line.

Edit: For clarification, here is what the -anb option does:

  • a Displays listening ports as well as open connections
  • n Doesn't attempt to resolve host names and port numbers (makes it much faster)
  • b Tries to display the process associated with each specific socket.