Windows – Get-EventLog -List shows wrong Max size of Event Logs


I'm working with logs a bit and it seems that Get-EventLog is not able to show real Max size. It's taking max that is set via "old" gpo settings.

enter image description here

Just for fun I've set the event log size to 2TB and i can seee that current size is 6GB so more then 4gb that is shown by Get-EventLog.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Anyone knows a reason for this? Or I'm using wrong command? Or misreading results?


Same type of answer when using WMI…

enter image description here

Best Answer

It seems the proper way to do it is to use Get-WinEvent. It returns proper values.

$results = @()
foreach ($computer in $computers) {
    $results += Get-WinEvent -ListLog Security -ComputerName $computer | Select MaximumSizeInBytes, FileSize, IsLogFul, LastAccessTime, LastWriteTime, OldestRecordNumber, RecordCount, LogName, LogType, LogIsolation, IsEnabled, LogMode

Write-Host "Get-WinEvent TEST"
$results | ft -AutoSize

Here's a useful link to Everything you wanted to know about event logs that I've created after working with Windows Events for a year. It will save people's time and pain I had to go thru.