Windows GPO – Printer Deployment Not Appearing for New Profiles


Old printers that have always deployed via Print Management > Deploy via GPO are now not deploying for new profiles.

the only Changes have been to my Settings GPO with regard to PrintNightmare and disallowing point and print…
Under Computer>Policies>AdminTemps>Printers>Point and Print Restrictions>

Users can only point and print to these servers> disabled
Users can only point and print to machines in their forest > disabled
When installing drivers for a new connection > show warning and prompt
When updating drivers for an existing connection > show warning and prompt

But New printers do not appear. If I try to deploy the printer via User preferences (instead of the Print management > deploy via GPO) it complains about the driver not being available on the client PC.

Best Answer

If you wanted to back out, add the registry value HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Printers!PointAndPrintRestrictDriverInstallationToAdministrators to 0 in a GPO. But you also should configured allowed Point and Print servers. Otherwise anyone can escalate to system in a trivial way