Windows – Have both Hostname and FQDN in SSL Certificate on IIS


I've been searching here, technet and google but haven't been able to find an answer to my question yet.

I have a website running on IIS 7, Server 2012 R2. The IIS serves as an access to our Citrix farm. Connecting using https, I have created an SSL certificate using our CA server (certificate is for (internal FQDN for server)).
But, users will try and connect using just https://Citrix which will generate a certificate error. So my question is:
Is it possible, for the certificate to work for both Citrix and
If so, how do I manage to do this?

Best Answer

A fundamental underlying principal of certificates is trust. Trust requires identifying the parties involved (server and/or client), by specifying a fully-qualified name. A single-label name does not fulfill the identity requirement, and therefore cannot be trusted. Certificate Authorities should not issue and applications should not trust single-label names.

You should not use single-label names to connect to services that use certificates, you should use the fully-qualified name that matches the certificate instead.