Windows – How do i remove a password expiration policy


We had a password expiration policy recently removed from our AD but some users continued to get the "..your password will expire in x days. would you like to change it now?" message.

So we added a reverse/undo policy to correct the local registry settings

Maximum password age = 0 days
Minimum password age = 0 days

This hasn't worked as new users still seem to encounter the above "change password" message sporadically. We have now removed all custom password policy GPOs and are left with the "Default Domain Policy". Still no good.

Can someone point me in the direction to fix this? And an explanation into what i was doing wrong (/how password expiration policies apply) would be useful too. thanks

Environment is 2k3 server with mostly XPsp2 clients.

Best Answer

I can't remember exactly, but from memory, If the user account has already expired they are marked in the AD db as such and need to be reset anyway even if you remove the policy afterwards.