Windows – How does one make Windows XP auto-reconnect network drives upon reboot


I have a few network drive mappings that I want to be available to various programs upon reboot. However, they remain disconnected until I visit them manually.

If a program, such as OneNote which reads notes shared on a network drive, tries to connect, it does not see the share and does not cause auto-reconnect.

I am looking for a fully automated solution, preferably just a setting to make Windows natively reconnect on machine boot.

For example, right now drive Y and Z are disconnected and X is connected because I accessed it manually:

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Edit: I have to change my question slightly but with quite a significant impact on the answers. The drives are indeed NOT available at logon. They only become reachable after I open an ssh tunnel.

Therefore, the main question is – how do you make applications force the drive alive when they try to access it?

I guess another approach would be to automatically run a script when the tunnel gets established. It's probably my best bet if the above is not possible.

Best Answer

Read this thread: The guy basically says to change this:

Try [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters]


We used to have a similar issue at my last place and this seemed to help.

Hope this helps.