Windows – How does one prevent a Microsoft workstation from locking


We have a group policy that forces workstations to lock after X minutes. But from time to time I would like to suspend the law of the GPO. I already have a tiny Auto-It script that clicks the Control Key every two minutes and have looked at the registry changes that would need to be made to prevent the locking in a less obtrusive to the user way. With no time to spare on such efforts, I thought I would ask the wonderful serverfault community, has anyone run across a (preferably open source) utility that would prevent a workstation from locking?


Best Answer

The REG file below disables the screen saver. Including the default Windows screen saver which always locks the screen and is engaged when the user's screen saver is set to "none".

To defeat Active Directory, these settings must be made each time AD refreshes and before the next screen saver time out.

Turns out, I was just struggling with the default screen saver and only had to remove the SCRNSAVE key, so I haven't pursued a good way to continually make these changes.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]