Windows – How much swap is being used on windows


This seems like a simple question, but I can't find the answer, so maybe I'm the simple one.

How can I tell how much of my swap space is being used on Windows Web Server 2008? On Windows Server Standard, it was right up front in Task Manager, but "page file usage" seems to have been replaced with "commit (mb)".

Best Answer

In task manager, the "page file usage" is actually the system commit total, which is not the same thing as page file usage. In 2008, MS changed the wording to more accurately reflect what was being measured, which is actually the amount of reserved virtual memory.

To get the actual amount of PageFile usage, open up Performance Monitor (perfmon), and Add Counters (The button with the "+" icon, 8th over, left of the X") -> Paging File -> % Usage and/or % Usage Peak. It's going to be a lot lower than the reserved value displayed in Task Manager... at least if you have any meaningful amount of RAM in your system.