Windows Remote Desktop – How to Boot Other Remote Desktop Users

remote desktopwindows

We use Windows "Remote Desktop" to log into server machines. At the moment, I am getting the following error message:

The terminal server has exceeded the maximum number of allowed connections.

Now, the cause is obvious (2 other people are logged on right now!). I recall that in the past I solved this by logging on to some other machine in the same domain and then going to some admin tool which I cannot recall. From there I could see who was logged in and remotely terminate their session (assuming I had sufficient privileges) — thereby freeing up one of the connections.

Does anyone know how to do this?

Best Answer

You can use Terminal Services Manager under Administrative Tools.

If you prefer a command-line solution, you can use this to list RDP sessions:

query session /server:servername

To reset a session, look for the relevant session ID in the "ID" column of the output from the above command, then use:

reset session <sessionid> /server:servername