Windows – How to check Windows Server 2008 health status and use them with Python


I am working on a project for which I need to create a Python class which can determine underlying OS on which it is running and performs a sequence of checks if OS is found to be Windows Server 2003/2008.

Currently my check includes following parameters:

  1. CPU Utilization Check
  2. RAM Utilization Check
  3. HD Volume space available
  4. Well configured network parameters like DNS and DHCP
  5. RDP and other critical application services running

For 1 to 3 information can be extracted from Windows Task Manager BUT the question in HOW ?

For 4, ipconfig /all output would be fine and I think I would be able to extract them either from some python modules or regex ! (Believe me I am not sure)

For 5, I think I should use powershell trimmed Get-Services output.

I look foreward to seek help on points 1 to 3

  1. How can I extract this information from windows machine ?
  2. How can I use that information for further processing in Python ?

Apart from this any type of suggestion/query/improvements/known issues are most welcome.

Best Answer

Give this a look for parts 1, 2 and 3:

As for network parameters, you might have a bit better luck with parsing the output from the following command: netsh interface ipv4 show config for interface configuration and DNS. However you can also try this: It doesn't give very friendly interface names on Windows but works. However I don't think it shows whether you're using DHCP or what you're using for DNS.

Lastly for 5 there is but it is unhelpfully only processes. There's a WMI Python module that can provide service information however: