Windows – How to clear the “authentication cache” in Windows 7 to a password protected samba share


I have a Linux samba server and have explicitly listed users that can access the folder.

I have successfully congfigured Samba to require a username and password when accessing the share from windows (using the smbpasswd, etc.).

But now I want to force clear the auth cache on the windows machine. Such as when I go to a colleague's computer, I use my account to access a file in the protected share, but then before I leave his computer, i'll want to make sure the authorization cache is cleared so he cannot access that folder with my credentials.

I found the command to use in the windows command prompt on google a couple of weeks ago but silly me I didn't save it…

Hope someone can help, thanks!

Oh, Samba is configured as a workgroup and not a domain (if that helps) – so windows users do NOT log into a domain on start up.

Best Answer

How about this:

net session \\samba.server.ip.address /delete

You can also use:

net use

To give a list of active sessions and to ensure that you've deleted them afterwards.