Windows – How to configure Routing, VPN and masquerading in Windows


I need to link a branch office to a new subnet. I'm doing something wrong.
I try to be more specific:

I have this object virtually connected as follows:

GW_U —- S-OpenVPN —– OpenVPN-C —– GW_S


GW_U: main office gateway with Linux OS on which here is a the VPN server (OpenVPN-S) , a DHCP for the internal network 192.168.10.x and a firewall IPTables.

GW_S: gateway of the branch office with OS Windows 2003 Server, a VPN client (OpenVPN-C) and a DHCP for the subnet 192.168.8.x

Nodes IP in the network are as follows:


The VPN works fine but I can not to connect the two sub-networks (although I set the routing). Really I can operate only in one direction by enabling the masquerading (of GW_S) from one of the interfaces. If I enable masquerading on both interfaces (of GW_S) does not work!

On the Linux gateway (GW_U) I can enable the masquerading of all interfaces without problems.

I add some screenshot of the configured routing table and of NIC:

Routing Table (with my static routing) configuration:

NIC configuration:

Best Answer

I solved, I installed Linux! LOL! :P

and... this is not a "giving up" this is the only solution... in windows you can't enable Masqueraging on two "external" interfaces...!!! you need to have at least one "internal" interface.

and i think that THAT ANSWER can help other people with the same problem...

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