Windows – How to copy one 500GB file from win2003 to lan/usb without impacting the source server


I have to copy (periodically) a MSSQL backup file large 500 GB to another pc (windows or linux) within lan.

The normal copy (or xcopy, robocoy, teracopy) command to a network share (or external usb disk) takes a lot of time (about 12 hours) and the server with the backup file become very slow (because there is only one RAID SAS controller).

An "idea" maybe to split the backup file into smaller parts (like torrent) and copy these parts concurrently, but I don't know how to do it.

My primary target is to copy without impact the source server.

Any idea or tool suggested will be appreciated.

Best Answer

With windows, unfortunately, your options are a bit more limited. You could simply try setting up a FTP server (don't use the IIS one) and set a max bandwidth. This should effectively lower the impact on the server.

In all honesty however, If you're running into a noticeable slow-down when doing a single-threaded copy of a single file... I suspect that there are other issues at play. If you're talking about copying from SAS -> USB (or vise-versa) and the lag is happening... There is probably some issue with the USB stack. The USB stack shouldn't affect system performance that drastically. If you are running into the lag when doing ANYTHING from the SAS volume... perhaps the firmware of your raid controller is b0rked... or you're using the wrong drivers... (or in some cases... a REALLY cheap SAS controller). It can also be the result of some anti-virus program (or multiple programs overlapping) causing the machine to work 4x as hard as necessary. (as a rule... only use 1 anti-virus program. More will just make your machine work harder for no reason.) Even having your volume fragmented all over the place can cause the symptoms you're talking about.

I would first try to fix the problem rather than simply work around it.