Windows – How to delete 100 GB folder in Windows


How can I delete a folder that has over 100 GB of other files and folders inside it. The machine is a Windows 2003 server.

I have this command:

rmdir /s /q folder

But is it problematic to delete 100 GB all in one command? Is there a way to just delete half of the files at a time?

enter image description here

Thank You.

Best Answer

No, it's not problematic - your delete process is going to take a long time because you have 1.3 million files, 31,500 directories you're eliminating. That's quite a bit, and even on high end hardware will take some time. (I'd expect it to take at least 15+ minutes on Windows)

To delete half, or a partial chunk of the files is a bit more complicated because you (I/we) don't know how the files are distributed.