Windows – How to Edit Registry Hives Without Live Running


I have a windows Vista system that had the underlying disk partitions changed. The number and logical location of the partitions didn't change as far as I can tell). When it boots up it says I need to restart immediately and then when I've restarted, the system has got confused as to where the logicacl disks are…

It's decided what used to be the D: drive is now the C: (with no Vista on it) and the old C: drive is now the E: drive. Needless to say, although it boots, it doesn't really work as it's now horribly confused… 🙁

I'm pretty sure the section of the Registry that deals with Logical drive letter to physical disk partition has got confused. So I'd like to be able to edit the registry immediately after I've restored from backup, but before I've booted. I've another bootable system on the machine (from which I'm typing this plea 🙂 ) so I don't need "boot from CD" if there are other options.

RegEdit only seems to allow you to connect to a live registry on another machine. Is there any software that allows you to edit the hives directly (ie just like RegEdit only directly to the hives on disk)?


Best Answer

Run regedit,


File --> "Load Hive..."

The registry files are located in C:\Windows\System32\Config of the partition you are trying to edit.