Windows – How to export URL rewrite rules


Is it possible to export URL rewrite rules for IIS7?

I am setting up a duplicate of a website for internal use (testing) and want to duplicate all of the URL Rewrite rules without having to manually enter them.

There is an import option, but no obvious 'export'…


Best Answer

I think you have 2 options:

You could look in the web.config file, and copy the <rewrite> section, then paste into the web.config file on the new system.

Or, you could use appcmd to export the rules to a file, and to import them on the new system:


appcmd list config "websitename/appname" -section:system.webServer/rewrite/rules -xml > rewriterules.xml

Import (globaly on the server):

appcmd set config -in < rewriterules.xml

Import for a specific website:

 appcmd set config "testWebsite\" -in < rewriterules.xml

You can also export any global rewrite rules using:

appcmd list config -section:system.webServer/rewrite/globalRules -xml > globalrewriterules.xml

The import command would be the same.