Windows – How to flush cache for IIS 7.5 on Windows Server 2008 R2


Hope someone can help me with this.

I have PHP successfully installed via Fast-CGI for IIS 7.5 on WS2008 R2.

Let's say i try to edit some file called about.php and save it. If i check the changes via localhost, it works perfectly from the server.

However, if i try to see the changes using another computer and using the IP address of the site http://XX.XXX.XX.XXX i can't see the changes. The file remains the same before editing. I've deleted my browser cache and that is not the problem. It remains the same.

Im used to work with Linux/Apache combo but this time i have to use IIS so i don't know how caching works here. What should i do to flush the cache of IIS for me to be able to see all the changes i make to the site?

Using RDP and checking http://localhost works good. If i check it using a regular browser, regular internet connection and everything, i can't see the changes so im asumming something is keeping a cache.

Hope i've explained well. Any help would be awesome. Thanks.

Best Answer

Answer: So weird. I restarted the instance two times and now everything is working :)