Windows – How to force Windows to keep memory dumps


I'm trying to debug a sporadic problem with some Dell tablets out in the field that crash intermittently. Looking at the Event Viewer logs, it seems that Windows automatically creates a memory dump file after the crash. But Windows also automatically deletes that memory dump file within 15 seconds of creating it because there's less than 25 GB of free space on the tablet's hard drive. (I think maybe there's 23 GB of free space, or something like that.)

That's clearly still plenty of space, so I wish the threshold wasn't set so high. How can I change that? Or rather how can I disable that cleanup step altogether? I really need to get my hands on one of these memory dumps so I can better analyze what the real problem is.

Best Answer

In the registry, navigate to the HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CrashControl key.

Set the value AlwaysKeepMemoryDump (REG_DWORD) to 1. Create the key if it does not exist.