Windows – how to get CPU utilization in zabbix from Windows server


I'm trying to monitor CPU utilization of windows 7 32bit PC (C2D E8400) using zabbix.
I tried both "perf_counter[\Processor Information(_Total)\% Processor Time]" and "system.cpu.util[,system,avg5]". After some time status of these items reverted itself to "Unsupported".

Is this problem on agent side, or at server? How to fix it? Ideally I want to see percentages load per each core.

UPD: topic and description updated.

UPD2: these counters work, but their value are float, and not decimal as I thought.

Best Answer

CPU load (what you have) is not the same as CPU utilization (what you're trying to get). Load is a measurement of the average number of processes waiting on the processor(s), whilst utilization is the amount of time the processor was doing work during a given time snapshot. You probably want to look at the counter:

perf_counter[\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time]

It's been a while since I've used zabbix, so syntax might have changed.