Windows – how to get MAC address of remote computer


I have specific situation. I want to get MAC address from a remote computer, which is not in domain. I know the hostname and IP address of the remote computer. The IP Address of my computer is and the remote computer IP is

I've tried:

arp -a <remote IP Address>
No ARP entries found.

nbtstat -n <remote hostname>
Host not found.

getmac /s <remote IP Address>
ERROR: The RPC server is unavailable.

Is it possible to get the MAC address of the remote system from the command line, powershell or something else? Which conditions need to be set? Thank you.

Best Answer

nmap will return the MAC address as well as just about anything else you'd like to know.

If you have admin access to the machine, powershell & wmi are both very useful in getting remote diagnostics. They both have extensive documentation at

edit: this assumes a windows machine, which from the looks of it, this might not be.