Windows – How to give static IP in the office and use DHCP at home


There is a laptop running Windows XP.

When the computer connects to the Wireless network in the office it should have a static IP address (because it's used as a small DB server).

When it connects to the network anywhere else, it should get its IP using DHCP.

I know about the Alternative IP configuration setting under Windows but in order to use that, I'd have to turn off the DHCP server in the office and assign IPs to each computer manually which I can't do right now.

Any ideas for an easy solution?

Edit: the computer is at a client's site, access to the router might not be granted. Sorry for not mentioning this before.

What should be my plan B if I can't get access?

Best Answer

If you have control over the DHCP server at work, you could assign yourself a static IP by MAC address and use DHCP both at home and at the office.