Windows – How to identify this thesterious Windows service


The name of the service is a 32-digit hex number. It might be randomly generated, since a Google search on the number did not find anything. It points to an EXE file which also has a hex number as name, in a folder which also have a hex number as name.

I suspect this could some kind of malware, since the naming looks so strange, but a malware scan did not flag it. It might also be legitimate software which just have strange names for some reason.

In the Details-tab of the EXE file properties, the file description is blank, but there is a product version ("") and Copyright ("Copyright (C) 2014") which doesn't help me a lot.

The question is: How do I identify what program the service actually is, since the file names do not give any clue?

Best Answer

Did you try uploading the file to for a broader scan?
But in general I agree with Gerald Schneider. Take the server off the network, restore it and check other Servers / Clients for suspicious files / processes and activities.