Windows – How to install VNC server on windows machine without monitor


I have desktop station with Windows XP but without monitor. I would like to install vnc server there. The purpose is to retrieve access to whole system.

One of my ideas is to blindly install vnc using pen-drive or from cd with autorun function.

I was also thinking about booting Linux livecd, ssh to host and manually put vnc files. I find problematic to make vncserver start with system boot.

Do you have any other ideas?

Best Answer

You can remotely enable RDP session on a windows box These guys have a really good writeup. The one thing i would note about their instructions is that I've never had to actually reboot the host to have RDP enable. Then you can either just use RDP to connect to the host or if your heart is really set on VNC you can install vnc via the RDP session and then turn off RDP.