Windows – How to make/compare filesystem/registry snapshots in Windows


What's a simple way to get a list of all files installed/modified and keys added/removed by a Windows (XP, Vista or 7) program installer?

I'd like to take a before and after snapshot, and see what has changed. Leaving a program running while I perform the install would be okay too.

This is very similar to Clinton Blackmore's question (eg: taking and diff'ing two file systems), but specifically for Windows, and taking into account both files and registry keys.

Best Answer

There are lots of tools capable of this, Windows 2000 was even shipped with a version of wininstall if I'm not mistaken - anyway, it's available for free these days.

The trouble is avoiding false positives - ie changes made by the operating system that was not related to the installer - so some care and manual editing is always needed.