Windows – How to make same server IP accessible from multiple interfaces that are not bridged on Windows 2008 R2


My server have two interfaces (e.g. A, B) that are not bridged. These interfaces have different IP adresses (e.g., These IP addresses are in different subnets.

I need to achieve following:
Client connected to the interface A (with IP can access the server using the (Not vice versa and I cannot just bridge these two interfaces because of additional settings.)

Is it possible to achieve this with Windows Server 2008 R2, if so how?

Update: The client which is connected to the interface A has set a default gateway as (So it should route all IPs from other subnets to the server.)

Best Answer

This is not a windows problem but a networking problem. if you are on the 192.168.1.x network, you would need a router to get traffic over to the 10.0.0.x network. If there is no router then you will be unable to connect to any other networks.