Windows – How to properly clear a remote LAN connection


I am on a Windows centric LAN without a domain.

I have access to several machines on my network, each with different username and passwords.
I originally connected to them with a UNC path in explorer and entered in the authentication information.

Now when I type in explorer I can access the machine without entering a username and password.

What I'm trying to do is get that prompt again without logging off. I know I can clear connections using:

net use * /delete

My connections are no longer listed now, but I can still go in explorer and access the shares without a username and password.

If I log off and back on the problem is fixed, I will be prompted again for the auth info.
But logging off is inconvenient for me.

Is there a better way to clear the auth info so I will be prompted when trying to access an administrative UNC share?

I do notice that if I wait long enough I will eventually get the prompt again. Is there a way to eliminate this timeout though?

Best Answer

You can view the saved credentials with start -> Run -> rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr

However I'm guessing you want the live cached connections to be flushed out and that box probably won't help. You may be able to clear these sessions using net session \\computername /DELETE. In theory this will flush out your connection to a given remote machine.